Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce


If you see, while attempting to publish a new sync config, either a INVALID_SESSION_ID or a 401 error, as shown in the examples below, then this is likely to be due to a Salesforce configuration that blocks API calls coming from the IP address of the Axsy Mobile app that are different to that of your logged in user.


Navigate to Setup ➔ Session Settings and uncheck Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated

Making this change should enable you to publish your sync config.

Session Security Level Required at Login

If you are still unable to publish your config this is likely to be due to a further Salesforce configuration setting associated with multi-factor authentication (MFA) and login security levels.

Navigate to SetupProfiles ➔ Select the relevant profile, e.g., System Administrator Session Settings and set Session Security Level Required at Login to None. Previously the setting would have been High Assurance which blocks the publication of the Axsy sync config.

You should now be able to publish your sync config.

Important: You should restore your Session Security Level Required at Login to High Assurance after you have published your config.*

* Note: A future version of the Axsy Mobile managed package will remove the need to temporarily relax the level of login security assurance manually as described above. This article will be updated when the new managed package is generally available.